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Izdanje: Potvrdi

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Izvor mondo.rs

Htio je da pohvali svoju "zaobljenu" ženu, razbjesnio je Internet!

Robi i Sara Trip su Amerikanci koji su protekle nedjelje glavna tema na Internetu! Robi je objavio na Instagramu romantičnu fotografiju sa svojom suprugom, i komentar o njenom tijelu.

Između ostalog, napisao je da voli njene "pune butine, veliku guzu, slatki 'šlauf'"… I njegova objava je postala viralna!

|| I love this woman and her curvy body. As a teenager, I was often teased by my friends for my attraction to girls on the thicker side, ones who were shorter and curvier, girls that the average (basic) bro might refer to as "chubby" or even "fat." Then, as I became a man and started to educate myself on issues such as feminism and how the media marginalizes women by portraying a very narrow and very specific standard of beauty (thin, tall, lean) I realized how many men have bought into that lie. For me, there is nothing sexier than this woman right here: thick thighs, big booty, cute little side roll, etc. Her shape and size won't be the one featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan but it's the one featured in my life and in my heart. There's nothing sexier to me than a woman who is both curvy and confident; this gorgeous girl I married fills out every inch of her jeans and is still the most beautiful one in the room. Guys, rethink what society has told you that you should desire. A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character. She's real. She has beautiful stretch marks on her hips and cute little dimples on her booty. Girls, don't ever fool yourself by thinking you have to fit a certain mold to be loved and appreciated. There is a guy out there who is going to celebrate you for exactly who you are, someone who will love you like I love my Sarah. || photo cred: @kaileehjudd

A post shared by ROBBIE TRIPP™ (@tripp) on

Mnogi su pohvalili Robija jer "voli ženu onakvu kakva jeste", ali onda su se javili drugi – "pa, zar ne bi trebalo svakako da je voli"?

"Ako ćemo hvaliti ljude jer vole svoje žene sa nekoliko kilograma viška, šta je sledeće? Bravo što voliš svoju bolesnu ženu? Bravo što voliš svoju ženu koja je ostarila nekoliko godina? Muškarci u veze i odnose ne unose ni osnovni minimum, a kada napišu ovako nešto, ljudi ih hvale," samo su neki od komentara na račun Tripovih.

Robi i Sara zato su zajedno gostovali u emisiji "Dobro jutro, Britanijo" i pokušali da objasne šta je bila svrha njegovog Instagram posta.

Robi i Sara Trip u GMB
Izvor: YouTube

"Hteo sam da kažem svetu koliko je volim i obožavam, i koliko mi je privlačna. I da, hteo sam i da izjavim nešto što bi nateralo ljude da se zamisle o načinu na koji se 'plus sajz' žene predstavljaju u javnosti. Moja namera je bila čista i pozitivna, i nisam očekivao ovakve reakcije," rekao je on.

|| Tonight we are celebrating this doll face hitting 100,000 followers. I couldn't be more proud of @sassyredlipstick right now. She has the most natural style and confidence of any woman I've ever met and I feel so lucky to work alongside her and help her achieve her dreams. Years ago when she first told me she had always wanted to start a fashion blog but was unsure of how to begin, I told her I would take care of it. I built her first blog on Wordpress, snapped all her photos that first year, and did everything I could to support her. Today, I have stayed true to my promise to lift her up and put her in a position to succeed and there's nothing that makes me happier than seeing her soar. The followers may have increased, the email inbox may be jam packed, and the partnerships may have gotten bigger, but we're still just two people who promised that we'd always help one another succeed. She dreams. I dream. We dream. ||

A post shared by ROBBIE TRIPP™ (@tripp) on

Sara, koja vodi blog posvećen pozitivnom stavu prema tijelu, ma kako ono izgledalo, stala je u odbranu svog muža.

"Napali su ga zbog riječi, koje su zapravo moje. JA govorim o svojim bucmastim butinama, strijama, opuštenoj nadlaktici i drugim problemima. Pričam o svemu što će druge žene razumjeti na svakodnevnom nivou, tako da ne mislim da je Robi rekao bilo šta nenormalno," rekla je ona.

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