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Izdanje: Potvrdi

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Uz ova dva sastojka izgledaćete mlađe! (VIDEO)

Izvor mondo.rs

Ovo skoro svi imamo u kući. Zaboravite skupe kozmetičke salone, sami osvježite kožu "preparatima" koje držite u kuhinji.

Fara Dukai je jedna od popularnijih modnih blogerki na društvenim mrežama. Ona je svojim pratiocima otkrila trik za čišćenje i podmlađivanje kože sastojcima iz kuhinje.

Treba vam pirinčano brašno (može i kukurzno) i mleko. Smućkajte ova dva sastojka i nanesite na lice. Sačekajte da se osuši, pa operite mlakom vodom.

LIGHTEN DARK SPOTS AND UNEVEN SKIN! All you need: Rice Flour Milk Mix these two ingredients into a paste Apply to CLEAN skin Let dry COMPLETELY Wash off in circular motions to exfoliate your skin WHY YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! ✅RICE FLOUR has been an asian skin lightening secret foreeeverrrr.. which is why you see it used in a lot of high end asian skincare. It has been a beauty secret of the Geishas (known for their porcelain skin among other things) for many years! It is high in powerful antioxidants that boost skins collagen production, as well as act as a sunscreen. ✅Rice flour contains Ferulic acid, which is an antioxidant and Allantoin which soothes the skin and promotes the skin to repair itself ✅MILK - contains lactic acid which nourishes, hydrates and exfoliates the skin ‼️DO THIS ONCE A WEEK AND YOULL NOTICE BRIGHTER SKIN AND YOUR DARK SPOTS FADE WITHIN A MONTH!‼️ *this will not lighten your skin and make you a different shade, it will JUST lighten darker spots/patches left on your face from acne or uneven skin* Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients. This post is provided for information and educational purposes. It is not designed or intended to constitute medical advice. Please discontinue use if your skin does not react well to the regimen.

A video posted by Farah D (@farahdhukai) on

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