Posledice eksplozije jačine atomske bombe u Bejrutu donele su i mnoge lične tragedije. Ipak, nije sve bilo uzalud - ime ove žene ostaće zapisano u istoriji Libana.
U Bejrutu je naime, danas organizovan masovni oproštaj od Sahar Fares (25) koja je bila jedina žena u jedinici civilne odbrane Bejruta.
Ona je bila među prvima koja je došla na mesto stravične eksplozije da gasi ogroman požar.
Stradala je u grotlu ove katastrofe.
Heartbroken, we are watch the last goodbyes for Sahar Fares, a 25 year old woman who was a part of the civil defense unit, the first responders' group who arrived to the Beirut port to extinguish the first fire. She was the only woman with the group.#Lebanonpic.twitter.com/bxK73Hpprj
— Luna Safwan - لونا صفوان (@LunaSafwan)August 6, 2020
U eksploziji amonijum nitrata u luci u Bejrutu do sada je stradalo 137 ljudi, a oko 5.000 ih je povređeno.
— lyse doucet (@bbclysedoucet)August 6, 2020
Beirut's explosion is the most filmed blast in history, a compilation w steadily decreasing distance to worlds 4th largest explosion
— Skkboz (@skkboz)August 6, 2020
Many of the camera people in this video died, a visceral reminder of why avoiding war is more important than being right#beirut#BeirutExplosionpic.twitter.com/NKKbj2Ab5n