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Lijepa Alesandra Ambrosio ima razloga za slavlje!

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Monday Blues

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‘My godmother was the best seamstress in my town. Then I got inspired by fashion, seeing how clothes and fashion would change your mood, your attitude. It was kind of like, follow my dream, work really hard to get where I am. It’s been a long journey but I love it. I love every step of the way. I love everything, even the no’s.’ Today @alessandraambrosio talks to #movingLOVE about how she first fell in love with fashion, and the ambition she devoted herself to in order to become one of the most successful models in the world.Watch the full series exclusively at youtube.com/thelovemagazine @youtube. Film by @jessejjenkins Creative Director @kegrand Fashion Editor @grantwoolhead Make up @natashaseverino_makeup Hair @dennisgots Casting @bitton @establishmentny Editor and set design @ithalleyy Audio Interview @giorgiojacobs Publisher @misscatherinerussell Head of fashion and beauty at @youtube @derekblasberg

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