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Petogodišnji dječak iz Avganistana Ahmad Rahman izgubio je nogu kada je imao samo osam mjeseci, pogođen šrapnelom u unakrsnom sukobu zaraćenih strana. Ljekari su tada morali da mu amputiraju ekstremitet.
Više od četiri godine kasnije mali Ahmad je dobio vještačku nogu koja mu je namještena u bolnici Međunarodnog Crvenog krsta u Kabulu.
Nakon što je ponovo stao sa obje noge, mali Ahmad je zaplesao, a ovaj video je postao globalno viralan.
#Ahmad_Rahman lost his leg in a landmine in #Logar_province when he was only 8 months. After receiving the artificial limb in #orthopedics center, he expresses his emotion with a dance and smile on the
— Zerak Zaheen (@zerakzaheen) May 7, 2019
We found him dancing and expressing his happiness after getting prosthetic leg that enables him to walk, dance and play once again. Ahmad Sayed Rahman lost his leg in a cross fire between government and insurgent forces when he was eight months old.
— Rateb Noori (@RatebNoori) May 8, 2019