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BLAM: Bivša ljubavnica isprozivala fudbalera! (FOTO)

Autor Dragana Tomašević

Ono kad pišeš emotivni post, pa ga iskoristiš da "zahvališ Bogu" što te je fudbaler napustio i zaprosio drugu...

 Lorin-Gudman-i-Kajl-Voker-post-na-Instagramu Izvor: Instagram/lauryngoodman91

Pre nekoliko meseci, Velika Britanija dobila je svoj novi fudbalski skandal a fudbaler Kajl Voker svoje četvrto dete!

Engleski fudbaler je prevario devojku Eni Kilner s rijaliti starletom Lorin Gudman, koja je pre dva meseca rodila njegovo dete.

Juče je objavljeno da je Voker zaprosio Kilnerovu, a već danas se oglasila starleta...

Ona je na Instagramu objavila emotivni post u kojem "svim očevima čestita njihov dan", ali i govori o blagoslovu da svom detetu bude i otac i majka. Ne on...

Naravno, taj post je iskoristila da isproziva oca deteta do maksimuma: "Više bih volela da moje dete raste imajući NA KOGA da se ugleda, na nesebične ljude. Da imaju moral, integritet i principe. Slabost je nasledna i zato bih, sine, volela da odrasteš sposoban da donosiš sam svoje odluke".

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Happy Fathers Day to all you wonderful Fathers, single dads we praise you and single Mothers for fulfilling both roles. I think you are all so amazing. It can be tough at times, but persevere, you are doing the most wonderful job. ✨✨ They say “Any woman can be a mother, but it takes a bad a** mum to be a father too.” Playing both roles means you get double the love and double the joy, see this as a positive. In fact, I see my role as a blessing in disguise as I would rather my baby grow up around positive role models, who are selfless. That have morales, integrity and principles. My baby, you are so lucky to have your uncle @hally91 around who works so hard & is nothing but a gentleman. I am so happy you have him as someone to look up to while growing up. I have seen how he has taken to fatherhood like a duck to water, how he has loved and supported my sister @chloe__goodman through everything. He will teach you everything there is to be a real man. ✨✨ ✨✨✨ To know I am solely responsible for bringing my baby up makes me work so much harder. I will bring you up with love, respect and strength in a home with wonderful family values. ✨ You will be brought up to be strong where you make your own decisions and you don’t let anyone influence or control you, because being weak is an inherited sign I don’t wish you to have. I am so proud of you already and we’ve got this. You are one special bubba who is so beautiful, you fill me with such love everyday. Our journey has just began, Happy Fathers Day to everyone once again✨ Have a lovely day with your loved ones ❤️ P.S to all you single mums ... Keep shining you are doing amazing! ✨ #pregnancy #babyjourney #endobaby #endowarrior #miraclebaby #firsttimemom #momlife #firsttimemum #mom #singlemum #singlemom #singlemommy #singlemummy #singlemomlife #singlemumlife #breastmilk #breastfeeding #ebm #bedtimeroutine #fertility #fertilityjourney #crystals #standtogether #fathersday #fathers #mothersday

A post shared byLauryn Goodman(@lauryngoodman91) on


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