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Izdanje: Potvrdi

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Izvor mondo.rs

Hit na Instagramu, a nije "plastična"!

Rumena Begum je blogerka iz Velike Britanije, koju na Instagramu prati skoro pola miliona ljudi.

Rumena je, prenose ostrvski mediji, rijetka Instagram "faca" koja pažnju nije privukla golišavim fotografijama i provokativnim stajlingom.

Ova lijepa brineta, poreklom iz Bangladeša, proslavila se tutorijalima za šminkanje i drugim video sadržajima prikladnim za sve pratioce.

Danas slavi 27. rođendan, upoznajte je!

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I don’t know why I’m uploading this now but oh well! Makeup deets below ladies: Face: @elfcosmetics Poreless Primer @koparibeauty Coconut oil @shop_101rumena Golden Syrup Highlight Palette @lorealmakeup Infallible Freshwear Foundation @lorealmakeup Infallible Concealer @toofaced Peach perfect setting powder @toofaced Cocoa contour palette @toofaced I will always love you blush Eyes: @shop_101rumena Hazelnut Haze Eyeshadow Palette @topshop Lashes @rimmellondonuk Glam Eyes Liquid Liner Lips: @hudabeautyshop @hudabeauty Lip Bullet in shade ‘Interview’ I’ll be posting more videos like this on Instagram In’Sha’Allah love you guysss #hudabeauty #hudabeautypowerbullet #hudakattan #hudabeautyshop #toofaced #lorealinfallible #elfcosmetics #101rumena #koparibeauty

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Just some random facts about me: Fact no:1 If my eyeliner is not on point I'm not leaving the house till it is! Fact no:2 I accidentally swallowed a fish bone and it was stuck in my throat for 3 days Fact no:3 I slammed the front door shut on my aunts faces because there was a hugeee moth flying next to them & I do not invite moths to the house haha! Fact no:4 I had a bad electric shock with the blow dryer and I had to go to the hospital for an ECG scan! Fact no:5 I ironed clothes on top of my sisters thigh coz I was so tired in the morning Fact no:6 most of you might know this but I filed my teeth with a nail filer such an epic story looool Fact no:7 I also slapped my sister whilst we were asleep because she was beating me up in my dream! Fact no:8 I ran into the college doors and split my head open and I was laughing about it Fact no:9 At uni I was bike riding with my best friend and I hit a bus and then a taxi & broke his mirror! Fact no:10 When I block a hater on Instagram I also report them for drug use loooool! Hopefully I made you laugh love you all

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