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Zbog NJEGA je prekinuo turneju? (FOTO, VIDEO)

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"Pretjerano bliska veza" razočarala fanove Džastina Bibera!

Pjevač Džastin Biber neočekivano je otkazao ostatak turneje, i ostavio na cjedilu ne samo fanove, već i više od 200 saradnika koji su računali na honorare, prenosi "TMZ".

Biber je bez prethodne najave odlučio da otkaže 14 preostalih koncerata, a taj portal prenosi da je razlog - religija!

Je l' i ona vjernica? (FOTO, VIDEO)

"Biberče", naime, želi da se posveti Isusu pošto smatra da je skrenuo sa puta. On je odrastao uz veoma religioznu majku, ali je poslednjih godina zapostavio vjeru i prepustio se "svetovnim" uživanjima - žurkama, devojkama, alkoholu...

"TMZ" prenosi da je Biber nedavno počeo svuda sa sobom da vodi evangelističkog sveštenika Karla Lenca, koji važi za "selebriti" sveštenika i na Instagramu ima pola miliona pratilaca!

LOVE these two legends...and speaking of love...A wise man named Paul once said..."Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies." If somebody says they "love you" but you don't SEE THESE THINGS? Gaurd your heart! If you have experienced love like this? Best thing you can ever do, is share it w/ as many people as you can... another wise man named Christopher Wallace said "spread love, it's the Brooklyn way.." May it be OUR way, day by day.. #occupyallstreets #aviatorsmountup #longerthetrafficlongerthecaption

A post shared by Carl Lentz (@carllentz) on

I really enjoyed my time with @oprah filming for her super soul Sunday show... She is truly a special woman and a culture changer. To come from absolute poverty in Mississippi and reach the point where she became the first African American MULTI-BILLIONAIRE, takes a passion and drive that is exceptional and tireless. What struck me most about her, was her ease and kindness. She told me her key was "waking up each day and thanking Jesus for loving me and thanking Him for all he has done." That practice, in that order, is one to be copied.. I'm grateful that she opened up her platform to talk about Jesus unapologetically and without borders. It's literally impossible to "say all the right things" in interviews like this. I don't even remotely try to. My goal is to always say the one thing that matters eternally, and by Gods grace, we are able to at least do that! #occupyallstreets #especiallytheonesyoudontbelongonnaturally #newroadsnewrivers #mysnapchatiscarl.lentz

A post shared by Carl Lentz (@carllentz) on

Excited to be speaking to our Kingdom Builders tonight @hillsongnyc... Some of the most consistent and faithful people I have ever been around! It takes many, to continue to promote the available grace of God, which is no respecter of persons. That's the tricky thing about life..We desperately want to classify people in our minds. The picture above, demonstrates this well. Because these individuals are "well known", immediately it will elicit reactions..mostly harsh, because it's easier/lazy to classify that which you can't fully understand, than to pursue depth and reasoning. Projecting insecurity and bad motives is a full time job for too many people..If they were not "well known"? Much more palatable for people! Why? Because we classify that as well and are not threatened by things that fit neatly into our ready made classification prism. My point? We can't dispense grace or love how WE WANT. We must as GOD SAYS! I for one, am grateful for that. Don't deserve an ounce of the ocean of grace God has given me...Somebody once told me "humility is the great mediator. It will always be the shortest distance between you and another human being." Should make it really easy for all of us who claim to follow Jesus, to show grace and love exactly how we were given it: freely and quickly, regardless of our SHARED, INHERENT "class". Sinners... grace?? It changes the story..Have a great Thursday! #occupyallstreets #weezyandbeezy #throwback #whatatimetobealive #idontwritebooks #justlongcaptions #feelsright

A post shared by Carl Lentz (@carllentz) on

Upravo je na njegov nagovor, piše taj portal, Biber odlučio da batali turneju i vrati se crkvi.

Ove tvrdnje dodatno je "podgrijala" činjenica da Biber za otkazivanje nije dao nikakav konkretan razlog.

Nedavno je, zajedno sa Lencom, dao intervju kojim je zbunio fanove. Pogledajte!

Biber i Lenc intervju
Izvor: YouTube

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