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Kanal CNN

Program za dan 23-01-2011

 Kanal CNN Izvor: MONDO
06:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
06:30 BackStory
07:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
07:15 CNN Marketplace Middle East
07:30 Revealed
08:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
08:15 CNN Marketplace Africa
08:30 iReport for CNN
09:00 World Sport
09:30 Mainsail
10:00 African Voices
10:30 Talk Asia
11:00 News Special, News round-up.
12:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
12:30 World Sport
13:00 News Special, News round-up.
13:30 Political Mann
14:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
15:00 State of the Union with Candy Crowley
16:00 International Desk
16:30 WorldView
17:00 iReport for CNN
17:30 World Sport
18:00 Prism
18:45 CNN Marketplace Middle East
19:00 International Desk
19:30 Revealed
20:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
20:30 Mainsail
21:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
21:30 African Voices
22:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS
23:00 BackStory
23:30 World Sport
00:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
01:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.
02:00 World Business Today
02:45 CNN Marketplace Middle East
03:00 News Special, News round-up.
03:30 WorldView
04:00 Talk Asia
04:30 iReport for CNN
05:00 World Sport
05:30 Revealed
06:00 World Report, An overview of world affairs.

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