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Izvor mondo.rs

Fitnes instruktorka fotkama na Instagrama pokazala kako izgleda hronična nadutost stomaka, i otkrila svoje "metode" koji joj pomažu da taj problem ublaži.

  Nadimanje se kod žena javlja iz najrazličitijih razloga, ponekad je "krivac" nezdrava ishrana, ponekad činjenicama da prosto ne možemo da odolimo namirnicama koje volimo, a koje, iako zdrave, mogu da izazovu ovaj problem. Ali, u najvećem broju slučajeva ovo se dešava kao posledica hormonskih promena pre i posle menstruacije.

Hana Dejls ima 27 godina i profesionalna je fitnes instruktorka, ali kad je na Instagramu objavila fotografiju svog naduvenog stomaka, mnogi ljudi koji je prate na društvenim mrežama pomislili su da je u drugom stanju. Ali, nije to bilo u pitanju. A pošto Dejlsova ne pokušava da na društvenim mrežama ostavi utisak da živi "savršen" život, odlučila je da iskreno ispriča kako izgleda njena "borba" protiv ovog problema.

Objavila je dve fotografije, jednu na kojoj joj je stomak savršen i drugu - na kojoj se vidi da je naduvena, i dobila mnogo reči ohrabrenja i zahvalnosti od žena koje muči isti problem.

After posting the photo on the right on my story the other night I have been inundated with messages from you girls saying that you thought you were the only one this happened to! (a lot of you also thought I was actually pregnant ) - Here’s the truth.. it happens to almost everyone!!! I’m bloated more days than I’m not (left photo) and only now am i seeking help from a professional to really knuckle down and figure out what is the main cause of these issues. I have been down so many avenues to try help with my bloating; the elimination process, cutting out gluten, dairy, eggs, wheat, using probiotics and supplements to help with gut health etc, all of which have helped in some way but for me, my issues are more than a food intolerance. - The main things I suggest to incorporate into your day to ease the uncomfortable feeling of being bloated are, Warm lemon water first thing in the morning (use a straw if you’re worried about your teeth), I found this really helps on days when I wake up still feeling bloated from the night before, some days I also add a dash of ACV which also helps. I specifically avoid adding onion and garlic to my foods as sometimes they can also set my tummy off. If you’re eating nuts, try and buy ‘activated’ nuts (they are a bit more expensive or you can activate them yourself) this helps with the digestion and absorption of nutrients in our intestinal tract and stops you from feeling bloated and heavy after eating them. I also suggest tracking a few days of eating & drinking. Be sure to note down everything you consume and also when you’re feeling bloated so you can refer back & try pin point the specific meals or foods that tend to be causing the problem. - Obviously every body is completely different so always seek professional advice as well but, seeing as I received so many messages I thought I would share my main little tips with you all I just want you guys to know that you’re not alone with this, it’s more common than you think & as a women our hormones also come into play (that time of the month can also make you swell up like crazy!) Never be afraid to ask for help!! #bloatlife #hdpt #notpregnant

A post shared by Hannah Dales (-hannahdales) (@hannah_dales) on

"Češće sam naduvena nego što nisam, i pokušavam uz pomoć stručnjaka da otkrijem šta je uzrok tome. Probala sam svašta, izbacivanje određenih namirnica iz ishrane, prestala sam da konzumiram hranu koja sadrži gluten, odrekla se mlečnih proizvoda, jaja… Unosila sam više probiotika i to je sve donekle ublažilo problem", napisala je ona.

"Ali moj problem je komplikovaniji od proste intolerancije na određene namirnice", kaže Dejlsova, a prenosi "Dejli mejl".

The moment you stop looking into the mirror and tearing yourself apart is the moment you will truly be happy..✨ - The chase for perfection is never going to end. Why? Because no body is perfect! Instagram is a place where people ONLY show case the best of their life, their best angles & their best editing skills. You cannot compare your life to the life of someone who gets paid to take photos for a company, or has a team behind them to take photos & edit them the best way possible, that’s their job and what they spend day in and day out doing, just like its Mary’s job to be a nurse everyday. - You are YOU! You are your own perfect! Do not waste your life wanting to live someone else’s! #selflove #womenshealth #hdpt PS. I always seem to be wearing this crop when I post photos

A post shared by Hannah Dales (-hannahdales) (@hannah_dales) on

Za problem nadutosti, naročito kod žena, odgovorni su brojni činioci, pre svega hormonske promene, u vreme oko menstruacije.

Dejlsova savetuje da ukoliko patite od ovog problema, pokušate da se svakog dana pridržavate iste rutine. Ona, recimo, ustaje oko četiri sata ujutru, dan započinje šoljom tople vode sa malo limuna i malo jabukovog sirćeta, kako bi podstakla varenje.

Ovo stanje pogoršavaju namirnice koje sadrže gluten, mleko, kao i veće količine jaja u ishrani. Ali, pre nego što uvedete bilo kakve promene u režimu ishrane i životnom stilu, posavetujte se sa lekarom, poručuje ona.

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