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Fitnes instruktorka Emili Skaj se porodila u decembru i već je počela da trenira, ali i da se slika, bez obzira na to što joj tijelo ni blizu nije tako lijepo i zgodno kao prije porođaja.

I just did a midnight home workout while Mia slept! She woke up for a feed so I gave her a quick cuddle (can’t resist) then Dec cuddled her while I had the quickest shower ever to wash my hair. I’m pretty sure most of the mats are still in it from wearing buns 27/7 haha! #mumlife . When Mia wants milk she sure let’s me know about it! . And yep I’m still wearing Declan‘s shorts and I have to wear 2 bras! . It’s not easy, I’m tired, I have less time than ever and I have a long way to go to get anywhere near the fitness level I was at pre-baby, but I’m getting there ONE STEP AT A TIME! . I see my OB tomorrow and then I can start my own FIT Program with all my beautiful members and can step it up a notch! I’ve been counting down the days! I want to be my best not just for me but for Mia. ☺️ . . ✨ Trial my new FIT Program for FREE for 7 days - Link in my profile or go to: www.emilyskye.com ✨ . . @emilyskye_ig | @emilyskyefitness . . #6weekspostpartum

Објава коју дели E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) дана

"Želim da ohrabrim sve majke, da put do vitke linije nakon porođaja nije lak, naročito uz sve obaveze koje majčinstvo donosi", napisala je iskreno ova Australijanka. 

Njena namjera je, kako kaže, da ženama pokaže da nije strašno imati celulit i strije nakon porođaja, i da nije realno da se žena brzo vrati na staru kilažu.

"Sada ne izgledam najbolje, ali materinstvo mi je dalo mnogo veću mentalnu snagu. To je najvažnije i zato znam da ću istrajati u svojim planovima", kaže Emili.

For me this whole “snap back” idea is unrealistic - it’s taking me hard work, consistency and patience. I’ve got a saggy belly, extra body fat, cellulite, stretch marks & I’ve lost a lot of muscle but my abs are still under there when I flex my butt off haha! I’m 2 days into my FIT Program and I’m doing the home workouts and I’m feeling absolutely amazing! The endorphins are real! . Becoming a mum has changed me in so many ways. Some changes are positive and some could be seen as negative but I’m choosing to focus on the positives and the things I can control - such as working out and eating healthy. . Many people have told me things like: “your body is ruined” and “your body will never be the same”. - You’re right, it will be BETTER! . The best strength you can have in my opinion is mental strength and I’m much stronger mentally than I’ve ever been and I believe I can do whatever I set my mind to. I WILL get fit and strong again and I’m gonna have a rockin bod to match! Watch me!!... or even better JOIN ME! Let’s do this together! . ✨ Trial my new FIT Program for FREE for 7 days - Link in my profile or go to: www.emilyskye.com ✨ . . @emilyskye_ig | @emilyskyefitness . . #6weekspostpartum #fitmum

Објава коју дели E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) дана

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